- To provide help to the needy, the desirable, the disabled and the poor without any distinction of caste, creed, color, sex, race, religious or language.
- To educate communities on the importance of education and provide value based education for all.
- To provide vocational training on Computer courses, Tailoring, Candle making, Embroidery, Beauty courses, Handicraft, Gift, Professional packing etc.
- To provide employment opportunities to the disabled and the needy.
- To lift the public from the curse poverty, hunger, illiteracy and disease by starting and carrying out concentrated and intensive programmes.
- To provide cloths and food to the needy and poor people.
- To prevent child abandonment.
- To prevent child labour.
- To preserve family by meeting their needs through community programs.
- To serve destitute of all ages without any gender discrimination.
- To provide shelter, nutrition, formal education and vocational guidance to grown up children from socially and economically backward families.
- To organize health awareness and community development programmes and promotes a healthy family system.
- To launch free Medical check-up camps.
- To encourage and empower girls towards education and promote gender equality.
- To organize social, cultural and environmental activities through channelizing youth energy into constructive and creative directions.
- To establish a network for societies trusts etc.
- To organize and run integrated rural development programmes for the welfare of the poor and for improving their socioeconomic status.
- To create facilities of working in co-ordination, collaboration and co-operation with other institutions, colleges, bodies, authorized constituted for purposes similar to this trust.
- To provide rehabilitation equipments like wheelchairs, hearing aids, special bicycles and tricycles, getters, walkers, symbol boards, blind sticks and special and basic education stationery to the physically challenged people.
- To open old age homes for the needy senior citizens and to set up home care facilities for the underprivileged and orphaned children.
- To provide child adoption facility within the preview of laws.
- To help financially to the poor and the needy who require such assistance for the purpose of medicines, medical treatment, operations etc.
- To establish and run the educational institutions for primary, secondary, vocational educations.
- To establish and run medical centre, nasha mukti centre and charitable hospital for providing maximum medical assistance to the needy and the poor.
- To grant relief during natural calamities such as famine, flood, fire and other occasion of calamities of similar nature and to give donations, subscriptions or contributions to institutions, establishments or person during such relief work.
- To accept advances loans from the trustees under repayment basis for the development of the trust activities.
- To receive grants, donations, corpus funds from the philanthropic public, NRIs, foreigners, governments or any other organizations in India or abroad.